Osso VR is a surgical training platform focused on teaching medical procedures in a highly realistic virtual environment.
Currently there are critical issues in the way surgeons are trained, both in residency and beyond. With recent limitations on resident work hours, it is estimated that nearly 1 year of training time has been lost. At the same time, the number of procedures surgeons need to learn are increasing in addition to the complexity of the devices used.
This is particularly a problem when learning to use new complex medical devices. Currently device companies spend more money on training surgeons than they do on marketing, yet they still have the majority of their customers back out from initial commitments due to a lack of a reinforcement training tool.
Osso VR is that reinforcement tool. It fills a critical “training gap” between medical device training courses and first time inpatient use, which can often be up to 3-4 months.
Osso VR is a B2B software platform that runs on affordable off the shelf VR hardware. Our users are surgeons, OR staff and medical device sales representatives while our customers are medical device manufacturers.
The goal of Osso VR is to improve patient safety, decrease the cost of surgical training and increase the adoption of cutting edge medical devices.