Tueo Health


The Tueo Health solution fills an unmet need for objective asthma status measurement and thus enhances asthma care while fitting within the existing management framework. It has three key components: an internet-connected monitoring device in the home, a smartphone application, and a team of asthma educators. The non-contact, under-the-mattress sensor passively measures key physiologic parameters while a person sleeps. An asthma control score is calculated from the physiologic data and delivered through the smartphone application; the score gives direct indication of the patient’s status on their provider-issued asthma action plan. While the majority of content in the smartphone application is derived from automated analysis, in the event of worsening control, trained asthma educators will engage in low-touch, high-yield personal communication to guide and coach families through evidence-based steps. Such steps would include reminders to avoid known triggers, refill a prescription, or make an appointment to see a clinician. This service exists to close the loop between the data and the outcomes, where the real value lies.