The Spry Health platform answers the need for continuous patient remote monitoring and actionable analytics in two ways.
Spry Health’s proprietary wearable wristband uses non-invasive optical sensors to capture cardiovascular and respiratory data directly from arterial signals of the patient. Their wristband continuously tracks heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and a full blood gas panel (SPO2, PCO2, SPCO). This process requires no calibration or action from the patient, other than wearing their product. The band generates data streams continuously and reliably, regardless of the patient’s activity level.
The data is then streamed to Spry Health’s analytics platform for tracking and analysis. We aggregate data to determine a patient’s baseline and monitor how their condition evolves, which allows their predictive analytics engine to spot warning signs early enough for clinical intervention. These insights are delivered to the patient, physician and/or payer system to aid patient prioritization, diagnostics and decision making.