

Contact Hugh Crenshaw
Title CEO


Summary: Surgery is difficult and accidents happen. A torn blood vessel, a perforated bowel, a burnt nerve, or a severed ureter can endanger a patient. These accidents most commonly happen during dissection, the surgical process of separating, exposing, or isolating a tissue. There have been huge investments in new technologies for energy dissection in an attempt to reduce these mistakes, creating a multi-billion dollar market.  However, surgeons switch to blunt dissection during critical dissections, and, curiously, there has been no new technology developed for blunt dissection in centuries. Instead, surgeons use forceps, sticks, and fingers – their most ancient tools – during blunt dissection. Physcient has created Differential Dissection™, a novel technology for blunt dissection that automatically differentiates tissue types to dissect appropriate tissues while preserving critical tissues. Differential Dissection is faster, easier, and safer. Our single-use Model DD1™ for open surgery is in clinical use and has produced excellent results in over 300 surgeries. Our laparoscopic version, however, will be more important because blunt dissection is extremely difficult with laparoscopic instruments.  Our Laparoscopic Differential Dissector is transitioning to manufacture now for FDA 510(k) submission in mid-2019.

Value: The Differential Dissector will be preferred by surgeons over expensive advanced energy devices for many surgeries. Differential Dissection (DD) makes it much easier to find and follow tissue planes where surgeons can avoid inadvertent trauma to surrounding tissues. DD uses no sharps or heat, greatly reducing the risk of trauma to neighboring tissues. DD quickly separates tissue planes but simply bumps off blood vessels, nerves, and organ capsules.  This is in stark contrast to modern “advanced energy” devices which get very hot and indiscriminately burn through soft tissues without regard to tissue planes and, subsequently, carry a high risk of trauma to surrounding tissues.