Decisio Health


Contact Gray Hancock
Title COO


Summary: Decisio Health provides a FDA cleared class II medical device, DECISIOInsight, that proactively identifies risks and reduces the time to intervention using real time clinical surveillance with data visualization to improve the quality and cost of care. DECISIOInsight’s customized dashboards provide an intuitive, consolidated view of the relevant patient information to provide immediate real-time actionable information for care providers. The software was created by clinicians and licensed from University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston and is utilized in some of the nation’s largest Academic Medical Centers.

Need: In a recent study, it was found that fully a quarter of patients received less than 50% of the recommended care. Compliance with recommended care among 22 common guidelines was as low as 12% at some centers. Furthermore, it was found that for every 10% increase in compliance with recommended care, there was a 14% decrease in mortality. Patients who received 100% of recommended care were 58% less likely to die. Non-compliance leads to extended length of stay, increased hospital acquired infection rates, and higher readmission rates, which all have significant economic costs to the hospital. As one example, an incidence of preventable sepsis has direct costs to the hospital of $22,000 to $26,000 per episode. Increasingly, the federal government is additionally penalizing hospitals for hospital acquired conditions and not adhering to care guidelines.

Value: Our solution, DECISIOInsight, allows clinician to instantly absorb the entire patient story at one glance without having to thumb through frames and frames of data from various sources. DECISIOInsight combines a hospital’s disparate data from multiple sources, marries it with a hospital’s protocols, workflows, and physiological parameters, and displays a real-time, actionable view of the patient clinical story. As a web-native platform, DECISIOInsight is available on any device with a web browser, anywhere, anytime. DECISIOInsight consists of clinical and analytic dashboards. The clinical dashboard consists of single patient point of care monitoring at the bedside and surveillance monitoring of large patient populations at once – in various settings such as Rapid Response and multi-hospital monitoring. The clinical dashboards continuously display insights for early risk detection and decreased time to intervention. The real-time analytics dashboard consists of configurable, transformative views of your process improvement metrics based on compliance standards for the hospital, unit and even shift.

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