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X-ZELL outperforms traditional immunostaining in German landmark study


“It’s the first time in decades a new technology has come along that could genuinely change how we diagnose cancers from minimally invasive samples.”— PD Dr Achim Battmann

LEIPZIG, GERMANY, July 17, 2024 / EINPresswire.com / — New research from Germany has shown that X-ZELL technology could dramatically reduce the number of inconclusive cancer diagnoses from minimally invasive sample material. During a lecture given at the 45th European Congress of Cytology (ECC) in Leipzig last month, PD Dr. Achim Battmann, chief pathologist at MVZ Frankfurt in Germany, presented interim data from a study carried out in collaboration with the Central Institute for Laboratory Medicine at Northwest Hospital Frankfurt, led by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Hunfeld. The blinded 213-patient study is the continuation of a pilot study presented at last year’s ECC in Budapest, Hungary, which demonstrated that X-ZELL’s Next-Generation Cytology (NGC) platform could clearly distinguish malignant and non-malignant samples in a clinical routine setting.

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