Hillel’s Tech Corner: Clues to the COVID-19 crisis


(The Jerusalem Post) — To say that these times are challenging would be a laughable understatement. This coronavirus pandemic is quickly becoming one of the most challenging times humanity has ever known. There are the obvious health tragedies of families being ripped apart.

For this reason, the work that CLEW Medical is doing could not possibly be more important. The name CLEW is taken from Greek mythology and refers to the ball of string used by Theseus to navigate the labyrinth. This company is literally navigating the maze of patient data providing clues where they are most needed and where there would otherwise be none.
CLEW’s mission is to provide healthcare providers and administrators with high-accuracy predictive clinical analytics that improve clinical outcomes and reduce hospital costs.
The company has developed an analytics engine that detects deterioration in real-time and delivers predictive warnings during all phases of a patient’s ICU stay. Can you see where I am going with this yet and why this is so incredibly crucial today in an environment where people are dying because ICUs cannot handle the burden of people needing urgent care?